Article name Institutionalization of Elite Education in Russia
Authors Olkhovskaya E.Y. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Studies
UDK 376.5
Article type
Annotation The author substantiates the idea of the directing role of the elite in social and cultural development of modern social consciousness, emphasizes the need for increased attention to the issues of training and educating gifted children as future members of the elite. The article deals with training teachers who understand the role of the elite in the social progress, who know pedagogy and psychology of giftedness, have experience of working with highly gifted people and doing research. Proving the relevance of these provisions, the author refers to the historical perspective of the elite training in Russia. The article reveals the problems of the genesis of elite education in Russia from the late 19th century to the present. Elitist education is regarded as the elite training institute in the structure of interconnected levels of secondary, higher and postgraduate education. The author shows the role of this structure in the process of moving a gifted subject to the status of an elite person and reveals the specific content of elite education and its interaction with mass education.
Key words elite education, gifted person, elite, meritocracy, personalization, highly gifted subject, elitological component of education content.
Article information
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