Article name Synergetic Aspects of Acmeology
Authors Chimarov S.Y. Doctor of History, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Studies
UDK 159.932.2
Article type
Annotation The article examines the genesis of acmeologic representations in the format of scientific knowledge and focuses on the characterization of the main stages in the history of acmeology: latent, nominational, incubational and institutional ones. The author considers the definitions of “acmetektonics,” “heterochrony,” and “temporal psychology.” The central question of the article is the problem of selforganization, or a synergistic approach to man’s transition to the mood called “Acme.” According to the author, the acmeologic and synergetic approach allows perceiving each individual as a dissipative system, i.e. open system which is far from thermodynamic equilibrium. Self-organization of man towards the top of his significant professional maturity is due to the existence of the factor called “Prigogine’s paradox”. On the way to “Acme” as the top of their self-organization, people have to achieve their selfrealization. The ultimate goal of the individual’s self-realization is in the development of his creative potential through self-education. The process of self-realization is a continuation of the process of selfdevelopment and includes self-expression and self-assertion.
Key words synergetics, psychology, acmetectonics, “Image of Acme”, heterochrony, dissipativity
Article information
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