Article |
Article name |
Person-oriented school textbooks: historical aspects |
Authors |
Stepanova, N.V. Graduate student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theoretical Studies |
74.03 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the presentation of modern scholars about the personality of domesticoriented
education. These ideas become a prerequisite for the creation of personality-oriented textbooks.
The description of the content and structure of the textbook in personality-oriented paradigm. This
tutorial should take into account the personal and individual qualities of each student and help the
student to ensure its development in relation to the studied course. For this purpose, the structure and
content of the textbook provides a means of organizing productive activity of students.
In different historical periods have been attempts to create books with the personality-oriented
focus. Analysis of the content and structure of school textbooks late XIX – early XXI centuries. Let’s
see the implementation of the ideas of personality-oriented education that foster self-development and
personal qualities of the child, the accumulation of their subjective experience. The purpose of such
education is becoming a free person, capable of self-determination in the world of culture.
Key words |
personality-oriented education, training, content and structure of the personal
orientation of the textbook. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Person-oriented school textbooks: historical aspects |