Article |
Article name |
Pedagogical Support of the Personality’s Image Formation in the Cultural Genesis of Childhood |
Authors |
Sysoeva Y.Y. assistant, graduate student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Applied Research |
364.446 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The author argues the need to create new models, values and images in the contemporary socio-
cultural situation and shows the connection between the concept of “image” with the concepts of
“personal example”, “modal and normative personality”, “man of culture” as an example of man who
concentrates norms, examples and standards of a particular society and who reinforces in the public
consciousness cultural values of society, underlying social and educational activities of contemporary
Russian society. The article analyzes different points of view on the definition of “image”, characterizes
the structure of the image and reveals the essence of the concept of “the personality’s image” in the context
of his individual, social and cultural development. The author raises the problem of the personality’s
image formation at preschool and early school age and emphasizes the expediency and the essence
of pedagogical support for the personality’s image formantion in the cultural genesis of childhood.
Key words |
personality’s image, childhood cultural genesis, personal example, man of culture, life
self-fulfillment, image formation, pedagogical support. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Pedagogical Support of the Personality’s Image Formation in the Cultural Genesis of Childhood |