Article |
Article name |
Sporting Activity as a Factor of Developing Universal Personality Characteristics and Traits |
Authors |
Pruzhinin К.N. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Applied Research |
316.61 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the inclusion of man in sports activities. At a certain period desires, commitments,
focus and other personality characteristics have not yet fully formed. The same can be said
about the athletes’ awareness of their responsibilities and duties. If we take into account that these
characteristics of the personality are quite volatile, the whole complexity of their inclusion in the structure
of the athletes’ abilities becomes clear. In the abilities of the athletes, as in no other abilities of
the representatives of other activities, they take an important place. No other expert should have such
pronounced abilities in the process of training as an athlete. In this respect, most other activities are in
a better position because people are involved in them in their adulthood.
Key words |
physical improvements, motives of sporting activity, role of athletic achievements,
personal qualities, status of the individual. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Sporting Activity as a Factor of Developing Universal Personality Characteristics and Traits |