Article |
Article name |
Life Self-determination of the Disabled: The Problem of Individual Freedom |
Authors |
Kalashnikova S.A. Candidate of Psychology,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
General Psychology |
159.923.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article attempts to formulate the problem and highlight the main directions for analyzing
self-determination of the disabled in the context of individual freedom questions. The personality’s
self-determination is considered through the analysis of psychological characteristics of the system
“man – living environment”. It shows that disabilities determine the living space of the personality,
specify the orientation and the quality of self-determination of the personality with health problems.
Internal (positive) freedom is the necessary basis for optimal self-determination of the personality as
a manifestation of the openness of the system. The specificity of the living environment of the human
who has health problems can become a source of transforming values and the semantic system as a
principal personal resource. It can lead to destructive variants of personality development, or contribute
to the establishment of adequate personal identity. The optimal development of internal resources
and overcoming “the psychology of the disabled” should be linked, first of all, with the formation of
personal identity which manifests itself directly in the life self-determination of the personality with
health problems.
Key words |
life self-determination, disabilities, freedom, personality resources. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Life Self-determination of the Disabled: The Problem of Individual Freedom |