Article name Factors of the Personality’s Migration Readiness
Authors Ishmukhametov R.R. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology
UDK 159.922.2
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the personality’s migration readiness as a component of the mechanisms that ensure stability and variability of the personality’s activity and behaviour. In literature there is no psychological definition of the concept of migration readiness and detailed psychological analysis of the migratory activity of the individual. Meanwhile, the level of migratory activity of the population in our country is rather high now and the analysis of phenomenology and the factors of migratory behaviour are of special importance. The paper offers an analysis of the guideline (readiness) on the basis of the methodology of the theory of psychological systems (TPS). In TPS logic, migration readiness is a psychological formation concerning the cases of the individual’s self-organization (understood as an open psychological system) which in terms of content represents a guideline to a voluntary change of one’s residence. Migration readiness forms on the basis of contradictions between the individual’s image of the world (which includes evaluations of the present and desirable future place of residence), on the one hand, and the way of life, on the other hand, that no longer correspond to each other. The study determines that migration readiness has a system determination, i.e. the source of migration readiness cannot be only internal or only external. The author considers that the major factors of migration readiness are deprivation of the individual’s need in self-realization, special parameters of valuable-semantic components of the image of the world and unfavorable conditions of macro-and micro-environment in the place of residence.
Key words migration readiness, theory of psychological systems (TPS), factors of migration readiness, deprivation of self-realization needs.
Article information
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Full articleFactors of the Personality’s Migration Readiness