Article name Research on Psychological Adaptation of the Students Living in the Ecologically Troubled Town of Baley
Authors Mysnikova E.A. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology
UDK 159.943
Article type
Annotation The article describes the results of the research on psychological adaptation of the young people living in the ecologically troubled town of Baley in Zabailkalskiy Krai. The relevance of this study is due to the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions in this region, as well as the social significance of the problem of the mental state of the young people who represent the innovative potential of the nation’s development. The purpose of the study is to find theoretical and empirical explanations of the peculiarities of psychological adaptation of the young people constantly living in ecologically troubled areas. The object of the study is the peculiarities of psychological adaptation of the young people who were born and live in an ecologically troubled area. The research was based on the principle of systematicity and V. I. Panov’s ecopsychological approach to psychic development. The study used the following questionnaires and test methods: at the psychophysiological level of adaptation – express method of diagnosing work efficiency and functionality (M. P. Moroz’s method), the method of diagnosing work efficiency (E. Landolt’s test); at the psychic level of adaptation – diagnostics of personality structure (MMPI personality questionnaire); at the psychosocial level of adaptation – S. Maddy’s test. The study analyzed the population variation of the psychological characteristics of the people. The results of the study revealed a trend toward reduction in the psycho-physiological and psychological levels of psychological adaptation.
Key words pathogenic ecological factors, living environment deformation, ecologically troubled town, psychological adaptation, system approach.
Article information
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