Article |
Article name |
Theoretical Aspects of Modeling the Pedagogical Process of Training Special Education Bachelors, profile “Psychological Support of Educating Persons with Problems in Development” |
Authors |
Zvoleyko, E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Social and Educational Psychology |
37.016: 159.9 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper presents the author’s structure of the theoretical model of bachelor’s training that includes
as its main components the prerequisites, factors and pedagogical conditions that combine to determine
the efficiency of the process of their professional development. Not enough built continuity between
school and vocational education system makes the author look for the conditions that make the process of
professionalization effective already at the stage of higher education. The success of professional development
depends on the following assumptions: the development of representations of first-year students
about the specifics of professional activity, abilities in the humanitarian sphere, interest in psychology as a
field of knowledge and practice and the system of didactic and socio-psychological adaptation of students
to the educational process at the university. The article shows the importance of the prerequisites basis for
the successful professionalization of students in the educational process at the university.
Key words |
professional activity specifics, abilities in the humanitarian sphere, didactic and sociopsychological
adaptation, goal-setting in training, competence-based approach, monitoring of learning
outcomes. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Theoretical Aspects of Modeling the Pedagogical Process of Training Special Education Bachelors, profile “Psychological Support of Educating Persons with Problems in Development” |