Article name Productive Self-esteem as a Regulator of University Teachers’ Professional Health Formation
Authors Tsydypova, S.D. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 37.015.323
Article type
Annotation The problem of professional health development of the representatives of different professions is many-sided. It encompasses the whole complex of psychological and social knowledge. Teachers as a professional group differ from other groups with extremely low rates of their health which decreases with the growth of their length of service in higher educational institutions. Educational activity involves constant interaction with people and requires the teacher to mobilize all the resources (physical, psychological, etc.). Today the social situation is characterized by weak social protection, high pace of life and increased responsibility in the modernization of higher education which lead to an increase in mental stress. High school teachers are exposed to professional burnout. Mature teachers, gaining experience of negative interaction with students, lose their health and acquire difficulties in solving fundamental problems. The internal regulator to improve the quality of educators’ professional health has not been found yet. Like any complex psychological phenomenon, occupational health includes all the indicators to regulate professional activity. The main regulator, “the functional body” is productive self-esteem which regulates various aspects of professional health.
Key words university teachers’ professional health, productive self-esteem, regulator, formation, professional self-development.
Article information
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