Article |
Article name |
Analysis of Personal Characteristics and Emotional Response Peculiarities of Physically Challenged Persons |
Authors |
Zaborina L.G. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Special psychology |
159.923.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with some findings of an empirical study dedicated to the analysis of personal
characteristics and emotional response peculiarities of physically challenged adults. The study is based
on an integrated approach. Reliable evidences were obtained about such personal characteristics of
physically challenged persons as high anxiety, suspiciousness, sensitivity, infantilism, hypochondria,
touchiness, inclination for obsessions. The most characteristic emotional manifestations of physically
challenged people are dispirited mood and tendencies to depression. The educational level of those
tested is positively correlated with hypochondriacal personality characteristics. Fixation on internal
sensations is positively correlated with severe anxiety and suspiciousness on the adverse course of illness,
possible complications and ineffective treatment.
Key words |
psychological peculiarities, personal characteristics, emotional peculiarities, physicallychallenged persons. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Analysis of Personal Characteristics and Emotional Response Peculiarities of Physically Challenged Persons |