Article |
Article name |
Volunteer Activity as a Part of the Modern Approach to Upbringing in the Professional Education |
Authors |
Gerasimova L.G. , |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
377 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the article volunteer activity is considered within the context of modern approach to professional
education as well as its importance for the development of the students’ key competences
at educational institutions. The author determines the main requirements of the society
to future specialists appealing to the basic regulatory documents. According to the determining
law acts the social procurement is in the development of a student’s human potential, creativity,
social and personal responsibility. To achieve this aim it is necessary to modernize the professional
education institutions and to turn to the competence approach. The latter is described
with reference to such authors as A. M. Novikov, B. I. Baydenko, G. I. Ibragimov. The author
pays attention to the importance of key competences in modern qualified training of students. The personality changes happening to the participants of volunteer activity enable them not
only to be ready for the changes of the world but to join in, to make considerable actions. The
author confronts them to the demands of modern society and determines the necessity of using
the volunteer activity as one of the means to form the students’ key education competences
and professional habits at the professional education institutions.
Key words |
upbringing, competence approach, key competences, volunteer activity, means
of education, social procurement. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Volunteer Activity as a Part of the Modern Approach to Upbringing in the Professional Education |