Article |
Article name |
Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Enculturation for Future Teachers of Foreign Languages |
Authors |
Kirova M.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, an Associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.923 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to an up-to-date issue of enculturation of the future teachers of foreign
languages during their training at Russian pedagogical universities.
Current integration of Russia in many spheres of the European and the world community
requires from Russian specialists their high-level ability and good skills in communication with
their foreign colleagues. It means they are supposed to know not only the language they speak
as a complex of linguistic rules and laws, but, as a matter of fact, they should possess a kind
of a cultural code of representatives of other cultures. Thus, if one starts to learn a foreign
language, one should obviously study some cultural phenomena, has to know what to say and
how to say it in order to have fruitful communication.
The article reveals the ways of “enculturation” for future teachers of foreign languages, the
process which includes learning this cultural code and practicing it. One of the conditions for
the successful intercultural communication is positive acceptance of the interlocutor’s cultural
behavior. The author of the article examines psychological and pedagogical aspects of the enculturation by means of creation by a teacher of the students’ psychological readiness for this
kind of communication during their study.
Key words |
intercultural communication, enculturation, a future teacher of foreign languages,
students’ psychological readiness, educational means to create the students’ psychological
readiness. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Enculturation for Future Teachers of Foreign Languages |