Article name Technologies of Axiological Studies of Folklore at a Secondary School
Authors Yakovleva O.N. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.0
Article type
Annotation The article presents the technology of the axiological comprehension of folklore as a result of the experiment carried out at a secondary school. The main stages of the technology are described in the article. The pedagogical methods and techniques used to stimulate the axiological comprehension of the folklore text are analyzed in the article as well. Valuable and semantic (axiological) fundamentals of folk-lore texts are mostly revealed with semiotic analysis, consisting of interdetermined and interconnected semantic units: «an axiological statement (constant)» – «the concept of the genre» – «an axiological concept»– «the plot motif» – «the symbolic image». The semiotic analysis which had been approved repeatedly by the literary criticism connects two semantic planes: the plane of the content and that of the expression which helps to reconstruct our ancestors’ mythological picture of the world. Using the semiotic method to analyze folk-lore texts enables us to penetrate into the closed sphere of mentality, into the values system of a people or an ethnos, and lets us make the dominant values existing in a people’s mentality explicit using the regional folklore material. The author believes the usage of technologies of axiological studies of folklore will solve the main problem of literary education – the development of axiological competence of contemporary schoolchildren.
Key words folk-lore genres, technologies of axiological studies of folklore, literary education, pedagogical methods and techniques.
Article information
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Full articleTechnologies of Axiological Studies of Folklore at a Secondary School