Article name The Content of the Communicative Competence in Modern Curricula for the Russian language Teaching
Authors Lopintseva L.A. postgraduate ,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016:811.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the content of the communicative competence which is presented in modern curricula for the Russian language teaching at comprehensive schools. The paper examines the content of the general and special elements of the cognitive, regulative and individual related components of the communicative competence. Being an instrumental basis for the students’ successful systemic learning of all the school subjects the communicative competence acquires a general character. There is a conclusion about inadequate presentation of regulative and individual related components of the communicative competence in all the curricula for the Russian language teaching. It reduces the potential of the communicative competence.
Key words communicative competence, cognitive component, regulative component, individual related component, educational standard, principle curriculum, the Russian language.
Article information
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Full articleThe Content of the Communicative Competence in Modern Curricula for the Russian language Teaching