Article name Formation of General Learning Actions during the Elective Course ˝Advertisement as a Modern Genre of Speech˝
Authors Smolyakova Y.Y. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.018.2
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the issue in the formation of the students’ general learning actions (GLA), which is an important objective of the Federal State Education Standards in its second edition. One of the ways to form such actions is considered in the article. We believe that, in the framework of the course «Advertisement as a Modern Genre of Speech», whose program is presented in the article, the learner will be able to obtain GLA that include personal, regulatory, informative, and communicative ones. The subject matter of the elective course is also relevant, since in modern society great significance is attached to the information in general and advertising in particular. Advertisement has both a positive and negative impact on our values system and outlook, causes the development of certain stereotypes. The negative impact can be avoided, if we teach a student to sort out the content of modern advertisement. The article describes the planned results of the elective course, aimed at enabling students to obtain the general learning actions, and highlights the skills and the scope of knowledge that a student can gain by passing the elective course.
Key words general learning actions, personal actions, regulatory actions, advertisement, the result of training.
Article information
References 1. Primernaja osnovnaja obrazovatel’naja programma obrazovatel’nogo uchrezhdenija. Osnovnaja shkola / sost. E. S. Savinov. M.: Prosvewenie, 2011. 431 s. 2. Fundamental’noe jadro soderzhanija obwego obrazovanija // Ros. akad. nauk, Ros. akad. obrazovanija; pod red. V. V. Kozlova, A. M. Kondakova. 4-e izd., dorab. M.: Prosvewenie, 2011. 79 s.
Full articleFormation of General Learning Actions during the Elective Course ˝Advertisement as a Modern Genre of Speech˝