Article name Teaching Foreign Language Communication to Non-linguistic Specialties Students Based on the Information Communication Technologies and Active Methods of Teaching
Authors Gusevskaya N.U. ,
Yeryomina V.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate professor,,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016 : 811
Article type
Annotation The article deals with a problem of inefficient foreign languages teaching in a non-linguistic institution of higher education. The authors justify the necessity to combine information communicative technologies and active methods of foreign language teaching and suggest methods of teaching aimed at students’ foreign language communicative competence development. For the purpose of formation of all foreign language communicative competence components, researchers developed activity forms and a complex of tasks based on the involvement of the Internet resources in the process of project, independent, and search activity, use of an interactive board at foreign language lessons, and computer-based test control. The authors emphasize that the use of just information communicative technologies and the Internet technologies in teaching does not guarantee qualitative language education and just promotes development of motivation in studying foreign languages, but it can be efficient in case of combination with other active methods of teaching which provide foreign language teaching on activity basis. Keywords: information communicative technology, active methods of teaching, Internettechnologies, foreign language communicative competence.
Key words
Article information
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Full articleTeaching Foreign Language Communication to Non-linguistic Specialties Students Based on the Information Communication Technologies and Active Methods of Teaching