Article name The Psycholinguistic Aspect of Teaching Foreign Languages to Bilingual Students
Authors Matveyeva D.G. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 81.2
Article type
Annotation The paper is devoted to one of the most actual problems – teaching foreign languages to bilingual students. It is important to consider the psycholinguistic aspect of teaching foreign languages to bilingual students. The paper considers the most important aspects of teaching to bilingual students as teaching to think in a foreign language and developing students’ cultural awareness. Some results of research on defining the type of bilingualism and the dominant language of students of the Buryat Republic are given in the paper.
Key words bilingualism, a type of bilingualism, a dominant language, a native language, the process of thinking.
Article information
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Full articleThe Psycholinguistic Aspect of Teaching Foreign Languages to Bilingual Students