Article |
Article name |
The Application of the Problem-Based Learning of Physics for the Dental Students Based on Situational and Competent Approach |
Authors |
Kalashnikova S.A. Candidate of Psychology,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and Physics |
37.016:53 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the essence of the problem-based learning of physics for the dental
students based on situational and competent approach. It covers the various scientific viewpoints
on the nature of situational approach. It also speculates over the opportunity for the
future dentists to get to know the ways of addressing the professional problems while studying
physics based on PBL, case-study, and solving of the situational challenges. The author gives
the definition of a situational challenge and considers the specifics of those which are problem-
based in nature. The research also defines professionally oriented objectives of Physics
studied at the dental department of a medical school. The examples of professional situational
challenges are given. The conclusion is made that the professional situational challenges
which represent the basis of situational and competent approach provide the future dentists
with the skills to solve the professional problems and propositions.
Key words |
problem-based learning (PBL), Physics at a medical school, professional situational
challenges. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Application of the Problem-Based Learning of Physics for the Dental Students Based on Situational and Competent Approach |