Article name The Formation of a Future Journalist’s Professional and Personal Competence
Authors Shestyorkina L.P. Doctor of Philology, assistant professor ,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Media Education
UDK 378.013+378.02+070.4
Article type
Annotation This paper analyzes theoretical and practical approaches to a future journalist’s professional and personal competence development as the main qualification requirement set out by the subjects of today\'s professional media activities in the media convergence development. Relevance of the topic is explained by the increased level of requirements to a professional journalist whose work is undergoing major changes and getting more universal. The problem is the necessity to restructure the process of the professional training. The method used in the given studies was that of the system analysis, which presupposes a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach. As a result, theoretical and practical studies have shown – the focus of journalism education on the formation of a future journalists’ professional and personal competence can adapt the learning process to the eligibility requirements set out by the subjects of today\'s professional media activities.
Key words journalism, a student, learning process, professional and personal competence.
Article information
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