Article name Analysis of Floristic Composition of Forest-Steppe Communities in Lower Reach of theBudyumkan River (Eastern Transbaikalia)
Authors Bondarevich E.A. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor,
Chernova O.D. Postgraduate Student,
Boriskin I.A. Candidate of Biology, Head of Department,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 57 + 581.9
Article type
Annotation The article deals with research and problem solving in ensuring the competence and world view formation of future teachers on the basis of personal-oriented education. Materials are the reflection of the collective intellectual product to create a complete didactic system to form competence and world outlook formation of future physics teachers based on certain personal goal orientations. The ways of innovative solution of the problem quality management of students’ learning results in the condition of personal-oriented teaching and modern educational paradigm and objective monitoring of educational-cognitive activity are considered in the article. This article illustrates the implementation mechanism of technology of binary target programs as an important mechanism for the formation of the professional The article deals with the research data on forest-steppe areas coenoflora of the Budyumkan River valley which is located in the territory of a nature reserve “Relict Oaks” (Gazimuro-Zavodskiy district, Zabaikalsky krai). 106 species of vascular plants from 31 families are registered there. 21 species are rare and protected plants. The paper presented considers the composition and structure of the plant communities. The data on taxonomic, chorologic, and environmental structures of the forest-steppe flora in the territory of the Budyumkan River valley (eastern Transbaikalia) are shown. Asteraceae, Rosaceae, and Poaceae families are prevailing in the spectrum. East Asian and Manchurian- Daursky species dominate in the coenofloras. Species of the steppe floristic complex, steppe and mountain-steppe phytocenotic groups prevail. All coenofloras are much isolated and enriched by xerophytes, a significant number of species are represented by the transition groups of xeromesophytes and mesoxerophytes, and they are characterized by a complex of rare and protected species.
Key words coenoflora, vascular plants, eastern Transbaikalia.
Article information
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Full articleAnalysis of Floristic Composition of Forest-Steppe Communities in Lower Reach of theBudyumkan River (Eastern Transbaikalia)