Article |
Article name |
Ecological Ordination of Steppe Communities of Transbaikalia |
Authors |
Korolyuk A.Y. Doctor of Science (Biology), |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Botany |
581.526.53 (1–925.16) |
Article type |
Annotation |
Ordination analysis of steppe communities prevalent in Transbaikalia is carried out. Indirect
ordination made it possible to reveal a system of ecological factors responsible for differentiation
of steppe vegetation. These are moisture, soil richness-salinity, rockiness and temperature
characteristics of habitats. The steppes of Transbaikalia are shown to divide into two belt-zonal
subtypes: meadow steppes and true steppes. Edaphic variants developing on salted, stony and
sandy soils are distinguished. Two catenas of petrophyte steppe communities are described. The
first one – cryopetrophyte catena – comprises three types of steppe communities: dominated
by short bunchgrasses, Filifolium sibiricum or low herbs. The second one includes warm stony
slopes covered with phytocoenoses of Artemisia gmelinii or Stipa grandis. Position of the steppe
communities on moisture and richness-salinity gradients using ecological optimums of plant species
has been defined. The boundary between the true steppes and meadow steppes subtypes in
Transbaikalia is 49–50 grade level of moisture scale.
Key words |
steppes, vegetation, ordination, moistening. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Ecological Ordination of Steppe Communities of Transbaikalia |