Article name Anatomical Structure of Leaves of Some Early Spring Blooming Plants of Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Popova O.A. Doctor of Science (Biology), professor of the department biology and methods of teaching biology,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.522.4+581.543
Article type
Annotation The structure of laminas’ epidermis and mesophile exemplified by 16 species of early spring blooming plants of eastern Transbaikalia is investigated. Most species have leaves with very small epidermis cells; their cell walls are straight or undulating. Nine out of sixteen species have more then 900 cells per 1 square millimeter of epidermis surface. The species studied are divided into three groups according to the mesophile type: with isobilateral or isolateral mesophile type (Gagea pauciflora, Scorzonera austriaca, Alyssum obovatum, Arctogeron gramineum, Euphorbia karoi, Amblynotus rupestris, Thlaspi cochleariforme, Androsace incana); with dorsiventral mesophile type (Draba nemorosa, Ranunculus rigescens, Euphorbia fischeriana, Physochlaina physaloides, Stellaria cherleriae); with homogeneous mesophile type (Primula farinose, Ciminalis pseudoaquatica, Saxifraga bronchialis). The data obtained show that most species of the early spring blooming plants have characteristics of the xeromorphic composition in their leaf structure.
Key words early spring blooming plants, ecological groups, anatomical structure of leaf, structural adaptations.
Article information
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Full articleAnatomical Structure of Leaves of Some Early Spring Blooming Plants of Eastern Transbaikalia