Article name Vegetation Dynamics in Daursky Nature Reserve
Authors Tkachuk T.E. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor, Daursky Nature Reserve,
Zhukova O.V. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.524; 574.474; 574.42
Article type
Annotation The Daurian lake-steppe complexes vegetation dynamics in connection with 30-year climate and hydrological cycles is discussed. The dynamics of zonal and coastal vegetation is analyzed on the basis of terrestrial monitoring and remote sensing data for a multi-year period. Under the influence of the 30-year climate cycles all types of vegetation change green phytomass that appears as changes in spectrum of the earth surface reflection fixed by remote sensing. In the dry stage of climate cycle area occupied by terrestrial vegetation increases in the Daursky Reserve due to drying of the Torey lakes. The most increasing is the area of halophytic meadows and pioneer halophytic communities predominated with annual chenopods. Area of steppe vegetation increases to a little degree. Hydrophytic vegetation, mostly Phragmites australis thickets, has decreased and disappeared for the first few years. On the level of individual communities vegetation of the lake depressions undergoes the deepest changes under the influence of climate cycles. It is in the state of cyclical succession. The steppe vegetation is more resistant to the climate changes. Its species composition is practically constant and the type of dynamics can be characterized as fluctuation.
Key words Dauria, vegetation, steppe-lake complexes, multi-year vegetation dynamics, climate cycles, cyclical successions, fluctuations.
Article information
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