Article name Allium condensatun Turcz. in Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Cheremushkina V.A. Doctor of Biology, Professor, Head of Laboratory,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 581.522.5: 582.929.4
Article type
Annotation The peculiarities of ontogeny and structure of coenopopulations of the Allium condensatum Turcz. species rare in eastern Transbaikalia were studied. The research established that A. condensatum is the rhizomatous-bulbous plant with a sympodial type of growth. The structure of the adult individuals was described. The study found that monocyclic monocarpic escape had been forming for 2 years before the growing season. All ontogenetic stages were distinguished in ontogenesis of the individual. Multivariation of the ontogenesis was described. The ontogenetic structure of the species coenopopulations was studied in the rocky steppe communities in the southeast of eastern Transbaikalia (Daika fold). The coenopopulation is normal. Ontogenetic spectrum is centered. The predominance of middle-generative plants is ensured by a long stay in this stage, the large stock of plastic substances in a large bulb and the presence of powerful integuments which protect the renewal bulb in adverse winter. Self-preservation of the coenopopulation is carried out exclusively by seeds. The study found that the stable status and resistance of A. condensatum on the edge of the range is provided by the species biology.
Key words Allium condensatum, ontogenesis, ontogenetic stages, structure of coenopopulation.
Article information
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