Article name Pollen of Melliferous Plants of Zabaikalsky Krai as an Indicator of Quality and Variety of Honey
Authors Gorlachev V.P. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Reshetova S.A. Research Worker,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 638.132
Article type
Annotation The principal melliferous plants which detect productivity of honey of local bees are picked out of all their variety. The materials are given according to the terms of their mass florescence. Pollen of the principal melliferous plants was described for the first time for Transbaikalia, which makes it possible to identify kinds of honey according to their botanical origin. The facts about morphology of principal kinds of bee plants pollen are given, the morphological description is carried out, and the photos of pollen of 18 kinds are given in this research. Shapes, sizes, types, number of aperture and sculpture of exine are described. The peculiarities which make it possible to distinguish between generic and specific levels of the pollen of plants are revealed. The research materials allow organizing implementation of palynological research along with physicochemical and organoleptic analyses. The palynological research will promote the solving of one of the most important problems of beekeeping – an assessment of quality of monofloristic and polyfloristic kinds of honey and a detection of the adulterated sorts of honey appearing in the market.
Key words melliferous plants, monofloristic and polyfloristic kinds of honey, pollen, botanical identification of sorts of honey, quality of kinds of honey, Zabaikalsky krai.
Article information
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Full articlePollen of Melliferous Plants of Zabaikalsky Krai as an Indicator of Quality and Variety of Honey