Article |
Article name |
The Elimination of Weed Plants from Agrocenoses in Conditions of Adaptive Landscape Agriculture in Irkutsk Oblast |
Authors |
Illi I.E. Doctor of Biology, Professor, sh-a-ff@mal.ruTakalandze G.O. Candidate of Agriculture, Assistant Professor, rector@igsha.ruIlli A.I. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Ecology |
631.58:581.193:581.14 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article presents the experimental data on the influence of fallow and fall-plowed field
cultivation methods on weed plants elimination effectiveness in wheat agrocenoses in ecological
conditions of Irkutsk oblast. It is shown that water preservation technology insertion based on
subsurface cultivation leads to the increase of weed plants in agrocenoses. In topsoil of 0–30 cm
weed seeds were equally spread in every 10 cm layer. However, the introduction of subsurface
cultivation technology made some seeds appear in the upper layers. It was strongly marked when
tillage and subsurface cultivation were combined. It allowed eliminating the biggest part of weed
seeds in fallow field. In this aspect of the problem the possibility to combine subsurface cultivation
and weed killer usage should be considered.
Key words |
weed plants, agrocenosis, adaptive landscape agriculture. |
Article information |
References |
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VPO RGAZU, 2009. S. 187–192. |
Full article | The Elimination of Weed Plants from Agrocenoses in Conditions of Adaptive Landscape Agriculture in Irkutsk Oblast |