Article name Variability of morphological attributes in populations of Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. in the territory of Transbaikalia
Authors Shelkunov A.N. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 582.71
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the research of morphological attributes of Malus baccata growing in the territory of Zabaikalsky krai and the Republic of Buryatia. In flora communities with M. baccata in eastern and western Transbaikalia, most encountered species of vascular plants are Betula pendula Roth (Vetula verrucosa Ehrh.), Spiraea media Schmidt., Chenopodium aristatum L., Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski, Veronica incana L., Thymus serpyllum L. The author adduces mean values of nine absolute attributes of a leafy blade for all populations of M. baccata, characterizes sizes of the trees, and analyzes their economic and biological characteristics. Investigated coenopopulations of M. baccata differ in metric characteristics of the trees (tree height, crown diameter, etc.). The main parameters of vegetative and generative spheres have little interdependence.
Key words Malus baccata, vegetative sphere, generative sphere, layer of significance, variability.
Article information
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Full articleVariability of morphological attributes in populations of Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. in the territory of Transbaikalia