Article name Psychic and Narcological Pathology of Conscripts in Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Govorin N.V. Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Department,
Kichigina I.V. Candidate of Medicine, Doctor,
Sakharov A.V. Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Human and Animal Physiology
UDK 616.899–053.2:159.96
Article type
Annotation The article presents the analysis of personal records materials of 830 teenagers of the military age from Zabaikalsky krai who have not been drafted owing to mental frustration, as well as the results of the survey of 2,403 conscripts who were recognized fit for military service in the districts of the region. During the research it has been established that in structure of mental pathology, intellectual backwardness (34.2 %) and infantile frustration of the person (30.8 %) prevail. The majority of young men with mental frustration lived in the countryside (79.2 %), in large families (41.4 %), in single-parent families (24.6 %), and in low-income families (59.7 %). In these families, psychopathologic heredity observed in 76.0 % of cases, and alcohol addiction of close relatives observed in 75.6 % of cases.The factor analysis made has established the following major factors of risk of mental pathology development: syndrome of parents’ alcohol dependence, low-income family, and close relatives’ mental frustrations. Prevalence of narcological pathology caused by alcohol among the 18-year-old conscripts of Zabaikalsky krai amounted to 22.4 %, including the syndrome of alcohol dependence (1.1 %). Alcoholism has a significant impact on the social functioning and behavior of teenagers: they study worse, they are less likely to be engaged in sports, and they tend to have deviant behavior due to more frequent cigarette smoking and cannabis abuse.
Key words teenagers, conscripts, mental pathology, alcoholism.
Article information
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Full articlePsychic and Narcological Pathology of Conscripts in Zabaikalsky Krai