Article |
Article name |
Correlation Relationship Reactions to the Moving Object and Physiological Indicators as a Marker of the Functional State of Train Drivers |
Authors |
Mal’grem E.V. Chief of the Psycho-Physiological Support Sector, e.v.stepanova@yandex.ruYadrishchenskaya T.V. Сandidate of Biology, Associate Professor, Dean, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Human and Animal Physiology |
612.821 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The specificity of functional state of the organism is not only quantitatively different
characteristics of the organism, but also the features of the intra- and extra-interactions between
them. Deterioration of the functional condition leads to increased and intensified extra-interactions
to improve compensatory activity-protection mechanisms designed to maintain homeostasis. A
correlation analysis of psychophysiological index “reaction to the moving object” (RMO) with
physiological characteristics of an organism of train drivers in various functional states: normal,
stress, “latent” after the collision and after 6 months of rehabilitation has been made. The research
detected qualitative and quantitative change of correlative links in various states of the organism.
The explored relationship between physiological and psychophysiological indices was confirmed
to reflect the specific functional state (FS), and it can serve as a marker of this functional state.
Key words |
functional state, reaction to the moving object, correlation ratio, physiological
indices, train drivers. |
Article information |
References |
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4. Jadrishhenskaja T. V., Mal’grem E. V. Ocenka urovnja funkcional’nogo sostojanija rabotnikov
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S. 23–26. |
Full article | Correlation Relationship Reactions to the Moving Object and Physiological Indicators as a Marker of the Functional State of Train Drivers |