Article name Territorial Organization of Economy in the Long-Term Development of the Russian Far East
Authors Baklanov, P.Y. Doctor of Geography, Professor, Academician, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moshkov A.V. Doctor of Geography, Leading Researcher,
Romanov M.T. Doctor of Geography, Head of Laboratory,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 33:91 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation As the primary elements of the economy, the geographically compact enterprises and their activities – homogeneous resources, technology and finished products or services are considered. The nature of facility location, their connection with the territory is revealed through the production area and the resource and environmental impact zones. On the basis of such relations the market structures and areas – resource and consumer are isolated, which are quite volatile, dynamic in the structural-territorial terms. Retrospective, current and future activities are matched; persistence and dynamics of the territorial structure of the economy are estimated. Formation features of the territorial structure of economy of the Russian Far East are considered. The most generalized level of territorial structures of economy - economic regions is analyzed and the variant of new economic zoning of the territory of the Russian Far East, which appears in the form of cartographic products, is grounded. Zoning regulation is seen as a tool for regional development.
Key words region, economic centers, economic regions, territorial structures of economy, kinds of economic activity, long-term development.
Article information
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Full articleTerritorial Organization of Economy in the Long-Term Development of the Russian Far East