Article name On the Issue of Terrane Structure of Bichektui Geological Reserve (Transbaikalia)
Authors Sinitsa S.M. Doctor of Geology and Minerology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 55:502.4 (1–925.16)
Article type
Annotation Transbaikalia is considered to be a montage of three superterranes: Baikal-Vitim, Aldan- Stanovik and Mongol-Okhotsk. These superterranes consist of a number of smaller terranes and are presented by ophiolites, back-arc, island arc, flysch-olistrostromovy formations. Bichektui Geological Reserve composed of Riphean, Devonian, Keuperterranes, where marine deposits with unconformity are overlapped by continental Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments, belongs to Mongol-Okhotsk superterrane. Ripheanterrane is presented by phyllites, metasandstones, schists and is limited by tectonic zones. Analogs of the given terrane are found in the region in the form of blocks of the Onon suite. Devonian terrane is composed of sandstones and siltstones with rare problematic trace fossil and crinoids. Analogs of Devonian terrane were not found in the region. Keuperterrane consists of sandstones, siltstones with lenses of limestones and myarianmonotis remains. Its analogs are often found in isolated blocks of Transbaikalia, the Far East and Verkhoyane. Terranes of Jurassic psephites and tuffaceous-sedimentary deposits of Unda-Daya series are limited by thrusts and faults and are presented in the sections of intermountain areas of Transbaikalia and Mongolia. Continental deposits of turginskaya and kutinskaya suites with local unconformities overlap these formations and make isolated intermountain areas of the region.
Key words superterranes, terranes, montage, ophiolites, back-arc formations, island arc formations, turbidits, linear structure, Bichektui reserve.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Issue of Terrane Structure of Bichektui Geological Reserve (Transbaikalia)