Article name Property Issues in Development of Human Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Sysoeva Y.Y. assistant, graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 332.1
Article type
Annotation The problem of population decline in Zabaikalsky krai caused by migration is investigated from the point of view of ownership of productive assets by residents of the region. The structure of population incomes and its dynamics are analyzed. The low level of property income is underlined as well as the reduction of business activity, which was much above the average index in the middle of the 1900s. The share of social payments in resident’s incomes has increased in Zabaikalsky krai. The data presented indicate a threat of outflow of the most productive and economically independent part of population that creates new activities and assets. Measures of development strategies need to be complemented by changes in institutional environment for stimulation of business activity and property accumulation by residents of the region.
Key words migration flows, business activity, concentration of property, privatization, incomes of population, social payments, institutional changes.
Article information
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Full articleProperty Issues in Development of Human Potential of Zabaikalsky Krai