Article name Schiff Bases and Solvents Interaction
Authors Kulakova A.A. graduate student,
Letunov V.I. Candidate of Science (Chemistry), professor of the department chemistry,
Bibliographic description
Section Chemistry
UDK 547.772.2+543.4+544.4
Article type
Annotation The Schiff bases solutions’ UV and NMR spectra received from aniline, 2-naphthylamine, 2-and 3-aminodibenzophurana and 3-aminokarbazola in different solvents have been studied. It has been found that in the presence of an acid with its content in molar ratio not less than amount of the Schiff base, the spectra vary with time taking the similar appearance as the initial amines. It has been suggested on this basis that in the presence of acid the schiff bases in solutions being in cooperation with it are protonated. There is an electrophilic center that is formed in its molecules in such condition (methine carbon). The molecules with the nucleophilic properties (in this case the solvent molecules) can join up with this methine carbon forming unstable donor-acceptor complexes of the protonated Schiff base with the solvent.
Key words Schiff base, protonated condition, nucleophile solvent join, donor-acceptor complex.
Article information
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