Article name On Issue of Linguistic and Theoretical Foundations of Authorship Attribution Methods
Authors Verkhozin S.S. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81’33
Article type
Annotation This article focuses on such an urgent sphere of applied linguistics as authorization, also known as authorship attribution. Authorship attribution is identification of correlation between a text and its attributes, such as an author’s name, genre, etc. The basic types of authorization can be described by the following three situations: multiple ambiguity, pattern comparison and pattern competition. This problem is a classical one and is often studied in quantitative stylistics. The history of using quantitative methods in foreign linguistics originates from E. Malone’s works and in Russian one – from an article by N. Morozov. Authorship examination has three main spheres of practical use: forensic inquiry, language and literature researches, education and psychology. Authorization approaches are rather various and allow one to study texts according to different language levels.
Key words quantitative methods, text authorship, authorship attribution, percent of function words, average value, syntactical diversity coefficient, lexical diversity coefficient
Article information
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Full articleOn Issue of Linguistic and Theoretical Foundations of Authorship Attribution Methods