Article |
Article name |
On Issue of Linguistic and Theoretical Foundations of Authorship Attribution Methods |
Authors |
Verkhozin S.S. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Russian Philology |
81’33 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article focuses on such an urgent sphere of applied linguistics as authorization,
also known as authorship attribution. Authorship attribution is identification of correlation
between a text and its attributes, such as an author’s name, genre, etc. The basic types of
authorization can be described by the following three situations: multiple ambiguity, pattern
comparison and pattern competition. This problem is a classical one and is often studied
in quantitative stylistics. The history of using quantitative methods in foreign linguistics
originates from E. Malone’s works and in Russian one – from an article by N. Morozov.
Authorship examination has three main spheres of practical use: forensic inquiry, language
and literature researches, education and psychology. Authorization approaches are rather
various and allow one to study texts according to different language levels.
Key words |
quantitative methods, text authorship, authorship attribution, percent of
function words, average value, syntactical diversity coefficient, lexical diversity coefficient |
Article information |
References |
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Статья |
Full article | On Issue of Linguistic and Theoretical Foundations of Authorship Attribution Methods |