Article name Compositional Development of the Text (Based on Boris Pil’nyak’s Novel Mahogany in Comparison with the Chinese Translation)
Authors Liu Guo Ping .. Master of Philology, Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the phenomenon of linguistic composition and the most important principle of the artistic text – dynamism. Compositional development of the text is associated with the use of a live art image in it. Its “sprouting” in the text is an evidence of the compositional development. Organization of the text is considered in connection with the linguistic processes that occur in modern prose. Analysis of Pil’nyak’s prose reveals traditions that are reflected in the construction of modern prose texts. Analysis of the Russian text on the background of translation allows the researcher to see how the live art image changes, as it is a significant component of the linguistic composition. The change in the art image affects the compositional text development and changes its stylistic meaning tone. The author comes to the conclusion that the analysis of the compositional development of the text is important not in itself, but because of the language processes in relation to the traditions of the past.
Key words language composition, language processes, B. Pil’nyak, traditions
Article information
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Full articleCompositional Development of the Text (Based on Boris Pil’nyak’s Novel Mahogany in Comparison with the Chinese Translation)