Article name Compositional Linguistic Area of a Modern Russian Novel
Authors Motorkova I.V. Teacher of Russian and Literature,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The article considers a concept of compositional linguistic area of a literary text that is associated with the phenomenon of a linguistic composition. The peculiarities of the organization of the linguistic composition of a modern Russian novel are described on the basis of the novel by S. N. Esin Tverbul, or Den of Fiction. Among the compositional features of the novel, connected in meaning, grammar and intonation, the research notes a change of the points of view, transitions between the forms of a grammatical person providing the increasing objectivity of the narration; text density as a stylistic category, text tension created by the exaggerated redundancy of language means; “germination” of the main character’s image who compositionally interacts with other images; verbal series characterized by the parallel development, interpenetration or alternation; metaphors – images, compositional insert. Interacting, these components of a linguistic composition are developing in the text providing its dynamism and integrity.
Key words linguistic composition, artistic image, process of “germination” of an image, conditionality of a grammatical person, text density, verbal series, metaphor image, compositional insert.
Article information
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Full articleCompositional Linguistic Area of a Modern Russian Novel