Article name Features of Functioning of the Particle ДАЖЕ (Dazhe) in Scientific (Medical) Text
Authors Tokarchuk I.N. Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 811.161.1’367.635:81’38
Article type
Annotation The present article is dedicated to a stylistic aspect of Russian particles’ functioning. This paper examines possible realizations of semantic-functional potential of the particle ДАЖЕ (dazhe) in written scientific medical speech (genres of the paper and monograph). The specific usage of the particle in the texts of the medical contents is defined: the typical modifications of the main meaning are found out and the set of the characteristic functions at the level of an utterance, a syntactic construction, and a text is pointed out. The participation in formation of the gradation relations in the coordinating line with conjunctions И (i) and ИЛИ (ili) and also the usage in concessional relations in different syntactic constructions are the most typical for this particle. The word ДАЖЕ (dazhe) isn’t used in coordinating constructions formed without conjunctions, in the constructions with specifying relations and in several other cases. In general, narrowing of the possibilities of the particle ДАЖЕ (dazhe) both in semantic and in functional field is stated.
Key words particles, scientific style, semantics, syntactic relations, stylistic aspect.
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of Functioning of the Particle ДАЖЕ (Dazhe) in Scientific (Medical) Text