Article name Language Space of Modern Russian Prose (Based on S. Esin’s Novel Marquis and V. Makanin’s Novel Asan)
Authors Zhou Zhongcheng .. Master of Philology, graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation In the article the language space based on the novels of modern writers S. Esin and V. Makanin is analyzed. The language space is the world of the live text. The language space of S. Esin’s and V. Makanin’s prose mostly reflects all variety of the language processes: 1) strengthening of intertextuality; 2) semantical-grammatical shifts; 3) composite and graphic marking of the text; 4) leaving in a metaphor; 5) metaphorical comparisons as a dynamic component of the language composition; 6) virtual pronunciation; 7) word-formation explosion; 8) rhythm of art space. Modern Russian prose is remarkable for new styles of self-expression, it is rich in various literary devices of the text creation, many of which can be considered as the modern ones. We may say that changes of eras cause changes in expression of thought and language. Social changes result in new words giving us an impetus to search for something new. The novels differ from each other in the stylistics; the principles of their organization are various. They indicate variety of the language space and need of its further study for knowledge of the language essence, for life knowledge.
Key words language space, language processes, S. Esin, V. Makanin.
Article information
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Full articleLanguage Space of Modern Russian Prose (Based on S. Esin’s Novel Marquis and V. Makanin’s Novel Asan)