Article name Gender Stereotypes in Language and Discourse
Authors Bukina E.I. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 81.23
Article type
Annotation The issue of gender stereotypes is discussed in the paper from the angle of sociology, psychology and linguistics and major distinctive features of gender stereotypes – both positive and negative – are explored. The author uses sociolinguistic approach to the issue of gender stereotypes within which gender is viewed as a social construct permanently supported by social institutions and cultural traditions. The author summarizes data concerning the important role of language as a means of reproducing and reinforcing gender stereotypes through public discourse practices which act as a powerful tool of implementing the policy of those in power. The basic theoretical points are illustrated in the course of linguistic and stylistic analysis of public discourses of the advertisement and the proverb. The author uncovers the latest tendencies in structuring advertizing discourse which show certain changes in gender policy of modern quality publications.
Key words gender, gender stereotypes, feminist criticism of language, public discourse, proverbs, advertising discourse.
Article information
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Full articleGender Stereotypes in Language and Discourse