Article name Sociocultural Phenomenon of the Postcard (As Exemplified by a Russian Wedding Postcard)
Authors Butilskaya L.V. Candidate of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 811.161.1 / 316’28
Article type
Annotation In this article the postcard is presented as a text that contains a variety of semiotic codes opening sociocultural contents. A postcard or a greeting card is not only a holiday symbol. From the point of view of linguistic culture (as well as linguo-semiotics, intercultural communication theory, etc.), it is a source of information about national and cultural identity of the society, impact of cultural transformations that occur in the society. By means of linguistic-cultural analysis of wedding postcards, the author comes to the conclusion that deciphering national symbols presented in wedding postcards, the communicants will be able to realize intercultural dialogue and perceive and interpret texts of other cultures. The main symbols analyzed in the article are graphics (colour, drawings) and linguistics (wishes in which the main components are figurative-expressive means of the language, as well as linguoculturems).
Key words sociocultural, wedding postcard, linguocultural analysis, national-culturalidentity, symbol, linguoculturem.
Article information
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Full articleSociocultural Phenomenon of the Postcard (As Exemplified by a Russian Wedding Postcard)