Article name Copyright Works: Constitutive and Distinctive Features
Authors Kulikova M.G. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 001:008:82.0
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the phenomenon of authorship and copyright works. There is an attempt to describe a set of particular features of copyright work, which distinguish it from related beings and determine its internal specifics. The specifics of the copyright work are revealed in connection with urgent application tasks in the field of authorship analysis. The particular features are creativity, essentially new, original, unique, and individual style. Individual style of the copyright work and its unique properties are manifested in different levels (form, content, meanings). Besides, individual style can be described through the paradigm ‘the work – the world’ (in relation to the substantial categories, through connection with the cultural context and through pragmatics).
Key words copyright work, authorship, authorship analysis, novelty, originality, uniqueness,individuality, integrity.
Article information
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Full articleCopyright Works: Constitutive and Distinctive Features