Article name The Concept of ‘Salvation’ and its Figurative, Discursive Text Implementation in Artistic Text (Based on the Novel Lot Iz Sodoma by Ruslan Kireev)
Authors Pivovarova M.A. Тeacher of the Russian Language,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 882.09
Article type
Annotation The analyzed issue in this article is the image implementation of the concept ‘salvation’ in the language space of view of the text based on the novel Lot iz Sodoma by Ruslan Kireev. The vitality of this question lies in the fact that the problem of analyzing artistic imagery and language structure of image in the discourse is the demanded trend in modern philology. The novelty is primarily in the material of this research – language structure of images in the novel Lot iz Sodoma by R. Kireev has not been considered by philology researchers yet. At the same time the article is not only about the concept but also about its figurative, discursive text realization in the artistic text. The author analyzes the linguistic and stylistic realization of this concept and comes to the conclusion that the concept can be a component of a structure of a certain image in the artistic text. However, the artistic image is a component of linguistic composition. It should be noted as a conclusion that the study and knowledge of the structure of literary text are being extended nowadays.
Key words concept, kernel element of the concept, image, image structure, wordsseries, text.
Article information
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Full articleThe Concept of ‘Salvation’ and its Figurative, Discursive Text Implementation in Artistic Text (Based on the Novel Lot Iz Sodoma by Ruslan Kireev)