Article name Collection of Oriental Books of the Zabaikalsky Krai Museum of Local Lore
Authors Bazarov A.A. Doctor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 930
Article type
Annotation The Collection of Oriental books of the Zabaikalsky krai Museum of local lore consists of rare Tibetan and Mongolian texts. Joint collaboration of the museum and the Institute of Buddhist, Mongolian and Tibetan studies of SB RAS showed that the Collection of Oriental books includes dozens of items: Ganzhur (bKa’ ‘gyur) of Nartang edition, sections of the Ganzhur (“Phal chen” and “Bum”) of Beijing edition, separate works on religious practice and Buddhist philosophy, most of them haven’t been attributed and cataloged for a long time. Results of research work (2004) were an electronic database of collection, which allows forming a comprehensive opinion on the content and physical parameters of the monuments.
Key words museum, Collection of Oriental books, Transbaikal territory, rare literature.
Article information
References 1. Vvedenie v izuchenie Ganchzhura i Danchzhua: istoriko-bibliograficheskij ocherk / N. D. Bolsohoeva [i dr.]. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1989. 196 c. 2. Vostrikov A. I. Tibetskaja istoricheskaja literatura. M.: Izd-vo vost. lit-ry, 1962. 428 s. 3. Zabajkal’skij kraevoj kraevedcheskij muzej im. A. K. Kuznecova: [sajt]. URL: / (data obrashhenija: 15.02.2013).
Full articleCollection of Oriental Books of the Zabaikalsky Krai Museum of Local Lore