Article |
Article name |
To the Question of Genghis Khan Veneration: Based on The White History |
Authors |
Vanchikova T.P. Doctor of History, professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
94 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Genghis Khan’s personality has always been of ambiguous interest. In Soviet
historiography, he was regarded as a wild and cruel conqueror. Due to the beginning of
the democratic changes there appeared an opportunity to evaluate objectively his role and
his place in the world history. The article deals with the origin of the cult of Genghis Khan
according to the materials of The White History, the first written code of laws compiled in
the second half of the 13th century by the first Yuan emperor Khubilai Khan together with
Tibetan Buddhist monks of the Sakya school. In the article unique information from the
work by Tsyben Zhamtsarano in which he gives the first description of Genghis Khan’s
memorial situated in Ordos, Inner Mongolia was used.
Key words |
Genghis Khan, reincarnation of Vajrapani, origin of Genghis Khan’s cult,
White History, the main law of the Mongolian empire, Ordos, eight white yurts, modern
interpretations. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | To the Question of Genghis Khan Veneration: Based on The White History |