Article name On Language Competence of the Tuvans (Results of Sociolinguistic Survey)
Authors Tsybenova C.S. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’24:811.512.156
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the questions of language competence of the Tuvans. The forms and the levels of their language competence in using the Tuvan language (mother tongue) and Russian (second language) are considered on the basis of the sociolinguistic survey. Written (reading and writing) and oral (understanding and speaking) forms of the language usage are paid special attention to. The result shows the convergence of written forms and the divergence of oral ones in the usage of the languages given. The author explains it by extralinguistic factors. The article also studies the correlation between these forms and the respondents’ social characteristics. Such parameters as their age, education and occupation are considered. The correlation analysis reveals that the levels and the forms of the Tuvans’ language competence are more dependent on the extralinguistic factors.
Key words sociolinguistics, language competence, language usage, correlation analysis, Tuva, the Tuvan language, Tuvans.
Article information
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Full articleOn Language Competence of the Tuvans (Results of Sociolinguistic Survey)