Article |
Article name |
On Spheres of the Dagestan Literary Languages Functioning |
Authors |
Shikhalieva S.K. Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
81–22С. Х. |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article concerns the spheres of the Dagestan literary languages functioning. The
results of a social-linguistic poll state the fact of the dominating status of the Dagestan
literary languages in all spheres of personal and social life of the Dagestan villagers.
The article gives a characteristic of the language situation in the Republic of Dagestan
and reveals the problems of the Dagestan literary languages functioning in the modern
world. The correlations between the Dagestan literary languages functions reveal dynamic
tendencies in their social functions development and determines quantitative parameters
of their functioning. It is observed that the official acknowledgement of the state status of
the Dagestan literary languages has strengthened their positions in non-official spheres,
but failed to promote its further functional development. A probable way out is seen in
circumspect and considered language politics that would promote the rise and flourishing of
not only the Dagestan literary languages, but also the Dagestan languages in whole.
Key words |
sociolinguistics, functioning, extra language reasons, state language, nonofficial
sphere, status, dynamics. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On Spheres of the Dagestan Literary Languages Functioning |