Article name Campaign of Sigismund III to Moscow in Polish Documents of Riksarkivet
Authors Eylbart N.V. Doctor of History, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 947
Article type
Annotation The article tells about the campaign of the Polish King Sigismund III in Muscovy in 1609–1613. On the basis of Polish documents kept in the State Archives of Sweden (Riksarkivet), the author presents the reasons why the Polish king decided to attack Russia, as well as the results of the Moscow campaign that caused the economic and political problems for the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Special attention is paid to the Polish and Lithuanian nobility attitude to the Russian policy of Sigismund III, and the reaction of the Catholic Church on the royal intention to wage war with Moscow and connect it with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth through a personal union. The author is the first to cite letters of Polish and Lithuanian dignitaries to their king, which haven’t been introduced to science yet. These letters reflect their views on the Russian policy of the monarch.
Key words the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Muscovite state, Sigismund III, prince Vladislav, the Russian-Polish war, Polish and Lithuanian senators, Riksarkivet.
Article information
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Full articleCampaign of Sigismund III to Moscow in Polish Documents of Riksarkivet