Article |
Article name |
Virtual Discourse of Journal Put’: Interactivity and Hypertextuality |
Authors |
Parakhnevich E.V. Assistant, Department of Journalism, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
81’42 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper is devoted to a hypothesis that philosophical and religious discourse of the
journal Put’ (1925–1940) is a virtual discourse which forms metareality of the Russian
religious set of mind of the first half of the twentieth century. The article investigates its
constitutive features such as interactivity and hypertextuality.
The choice of the object of the study is not accidental because the religious and
philosophical journal of Russian emigration of ‘the first wave’ is a debatable journal where
none of ideological directions is dominant. Put’ adequately covers the most important
features of the contemporary epoch such as polyphony of mentality and diversity of points
of view, the lack of systematization of ideas and opinions and increasing philosophical
The paper explores the nature of the concepts ‘virtual discourse’, ‘interactivity’,
‘hypertextuality’ and ‘intertextuality’ on the basis of methodological research. Analysis of
communication brings us to the conclusion that relations between authors and readers
are symmetric and different dialogic forms (implicit and explicit) are externalized in the
phenomenon of interactivity. Fragmentariness of the religious and philosophical discourse,
nonlinear texts, and the possibility to read them through associative links in accordance
with individual needs of each reader indicate its hypertextuality.
Key words |
the first wave of emigration, discourse, virtuality, interactivity, hypertextuality. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Virtual Discourse of Journal Put’: Interactivity and Hypertextuality |