Article |
Article name |
Asymmetry of Structural Extrusion When Forming Smooth-Threaded Connections |
Authors |
Berezin S.Y. Doctor of Engineering, chumakov@mail.ruRomanova L.S. Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Scientific Research |
621.88.083.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper considers the issues of internal thread profile formation when screwing studs in
smooth holes. The reasons of emergence of considerable asymmetry of the profiles connected
with geometry of deforming sites of a beginning spire of the studs formed by a butt facet are
determined. A series of modeling experiments established a character of a metal current under
deformation and influence of geometry on asymmetry degree of internal thread profiles.
Key words |
tapping thread, smooth-threaded connections, thread profile, asymmetry,
thread studs, deformation beginning spire, stresses, internal thread, microhardness, isoskleres,
crater. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Asymmetry of Structural Extrusion When Forming Smooth-Threaded Connections |